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Education and Outreach

OHF understands the importance of keeping abreast of the changing needs of our communities and supporting those needs through education and programs that focus on prevention. Current and past projects include the Windsor Central Wellness Initiative and Mindful SELF program in area schools, as well as our past pilot initiative, the SMILES oral health program.

Additionally, we believe that health education keeps community members informed, and, in turn, healthier, happier, and better able to navigate complicated health-related circumstances.

We are always looking for feedback and new ideas. Please contact us to share your interests and requests!

Ottauquechee Health Initiatives

OHF hosts and supports community health forums and events to address current community health needs. Please visit our Events page to see a full list of upcoming offerings.

Below Market Rent for Non-profits and Health Providers

OHF offers below market rent to its non-profit tenants and health care providers in Simmons House. This is possible in part due to the Town and Village of Woodstock providing property tax exemption for the Foundation’s property.

Conference Space for Local Non-Profits

OHF makes its conference room available at no cost to its non-profit tenants and, as available, to other community non-profits. Contact [email protected] to reserve.